Basic button

An example of a simple button that triggers an action on the Controller side

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Basic button

These buttons illustrate actions with and without parameters. They immediately get executed on the controller. Since a bean is a singleton instance, storing a variable in the controller itself would mean it is shared across all users. Instead, we can use the Session object to get the specific variables for the active user.

JDK22.0.2 w/ Medusa 0.9.6-SNAPSHOT


<div th:text="${counter}"></div>

<button m:click="updateCounter(1)">Increase counter</button>
<button m:click="reset()">Reset counter</button>


import io.getmedusa.medusa.core.annotation.UIEventPage;
import io.getmedusa.medusa.core.attributes.Attribute;
import io.getmedusa.medusa.core.session.Session;

import static io.getmedusa.medusa.core.attributes.Attribute.$;
import static io.getmedusa.medusa.core.attributes.Attribute.$$;

import java.util.List;

@UIEventPage(path = "/detail/basic-button", file = "/pages/basic-button.html")
public class Controller {

    //This method gets called on page load and sets the initial values of variables
    public List<Attribute> setupAttributes() {
        //based on static import from Attribute class
        return $$("counter", 0);

    //This method takes a single parameter. The Session object can optionally be
    //added as first or last parameter. It will be autofilled.
    public List<Attribute> updateCounter(int amount, Session session) {
        int counter = session.getAttribute("counter");
        counter += amount;
        //another way of writing attributes, based on static imports
        return $$($("counter", counter));

    //This method takes no parameters.
    public List<Attribute> reset() {
        //another way of writing attributes, without static imports
        return List.of(new Attribute("counter", 0));
