
Validation works with annotations from the jakarta.validation library. These are generated into both frontend javascript and backend java checks. As a developer, you only need to configure the annotations and the HTML.

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Validate a form being submitted by adding the @Valid annotation in front of the form as method parameter. The annotations used in your form determine both the frontend and backend validation checks.

    JDK22.0.2 w/ Medusa 0.9.6-SNAPSHOT


    <form m:submit="validateMyForm(:{form})">
        <ul m:validation="all"></ul> <!-- This creates a generic validation list up top -->
        <p><label for="email">Email: </label>
        <input type="text" id="email" name="email" /></p>
        <p m:validation="email"></p> <!-- This adds the validation message for email -->
        <p><label for="yearOfBirth">Year of birth: </label>
        <input type="text" id="yearOfBirth" name="yearOfBirth" /></p>
        <p m:validation="yearOfBirth"></p> <!-- Same for the year -->
        <input id="btn_displayForm" type="submit" value="Submit">
    <div class="example-result" th:text="${result}"></div>


    package sample.getmedusa.showcase.samples.textinputs.validation;
    import io.getmedusa.medusa.core.annotation.UIEventPage;
    import io.getmedusa.medusa.core.attributes.Attribute;
    import jakarta.validation.Valid;
    import jakarta.validation.constraints.Email;
    import jakarta.validation.constraints.NotBlank;
    import jakarta.validation.constraints.Pattern;
    import java.util.List;
    @UIEventPage(path = "/detail/sample/validation", file = "/pages/sample/validation.html")
    public class ValidationController {
        public List<Attribute> setupAttributes(){
            return Attribute.$$("result", "");
        public List<Attribute> validateMyForm(@Valid SampleForm form){
            return Attribute.$$("result", + " " + form.yearOfBirth());
        public record SampleForm(
            @Email String email,
            @NotBlank @Pattern(regexp = "^(19\\d{2}|2\\d{3}|3000)$") Integer yearOfBirth) { }

    Custom messages

    When a validation fails, it will show a message. This message can be customized. By default, each annotation has a generic english message associated with it. You can customize the messages by adding a properties tag to the annotation. This will affect both the frontend and backend messaging. The locale used is based on what the browser sends during the creation of the session.

    JDK22.0.2 w/ Medusa 0.9.6-SNAPSHOT


    <form m:submit="validateMyFormWithACustomMessage(:{form}.email)">
        <p><label for="email">Email: </label> <input type="text" id="email" name="email" /></p>
        <p m:validation="email"></p>
        <input id="btn_displayForm" type="submit" value="Submit">
    <div class="example-result" th:text="${result}"></div>


    package sample.getmedusa.showcase.samples.textinputs.validation;
    import io.getmedusa.medusa.core.annotation.UIEventPage;
    import io.getmedusa.medusa.core.attributes.Attribute;
    import jakarta.validation.Valid;
    import jakarta.validation.constraints.Email;
    import jakarta.validation.constraints.NotBlank;
    import jakarta.validation.constraints.Pattern;
    import java.util.List;
    @UIEventPage(path = "/detail/sample/validation", file = "/pages/sample/validation.html")
    public class ValidationController {
        public List<Attribute> setupAttributes(){
            return Attribute.$$("result", "");
        public List<Attribute> validateMyFormWithACustomMessage(
            @Valid @Email(message = "{my.custom.message}") String email){
            return List.of(new Attribute("result", email.split("@")[0]));